Get Rid Cellulite


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Learn About The Cellulite Remedy And Lose Cellulite

Dimples may be cute on the face, but if you are one of 90% of women who develop cellulite over a lifetime, they are a source of annoyance and many times, shame. While many women are familiar with this dimpling, pitted skin, the subject of cellulite itself remains controversial.

The phrase "cellulite" is not a medical term. It was defined in European spas and introduced to the United States in the early 1970's by a New York salon owner and since then, experts have had differences of opinions about the definition of and how to lose cellulite.

As defined in medical circles, cellulite is truly just normal fat gone wrong. Skin is attached to muscle by fibers. When excessive amounts of accumulated fat cells push against fibers between skin and muscle, it creates an orange-peel like, lumpy appearance.

Cellulite Remedy Tips

The good news is cellulite can be treated. You can lose cellulite by beginning to focus on your diet. It's truly important to eliminate processed foods, alcohol, sugar, caffeine, salt and to incorporate fresh fruits and vegetables into your daily regimen. Exercise is also a very important component, by toning muscle and using aerobic cardio exercise to burn fat in the entire system, rather than unsuccesfully trying to spot tone.

Water also encourages the body to lose cellulite by flushing out toxins and rehydrating the skin to smooth out the dermis. A gallon or two liters a day keeps the body healthy and well hydrated.

Massage, with or without cellulite cream will help boost blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, both very necessary to keep the chances of cellulite to a minimum. When you develop poor circulation and drainage, coupled with toxins and poor diet, fat cells inflate and bulge against the skin.

Choose a cellulite remedy that is natural and contains healthy herbs. Some good choices include horse chestnut, which reduces water retention and boosts circulation in the legs; dandelion root, supporting the liver to process and eliminate toxins; parsley - a diuretic that can help eliminate excess fluid from the tissues and gingko biloba which regulates the tone and elasticity of blood vessels, making circulation more efficient.

Topical creams, lotions, gels and toners can promote better circulation, stimulate fat burning and tone skin. Some good natural ingredients to consider:

Caffeine aka kola nut, tea or green tea can block an enzyme that inhibits fat breakdown.

Cocoa which is an alkaloid penetrates the skin to the subcutaneous fat layer and can help stimulate the release of stored fat.

Theophylline also an alkaloid found in black and green teas, when absorbed into the subcutaenous fat layer, promotes better circulation.

Ideally, regardless of the cellulite remedy you select to lose cellulite, the important factors are a healthy diet, regular exercise and a cellulite treatment that promotes a solution both inside and out.

Learn more information about the ability to lose cellulite and other helpful tips at:

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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Best Anti Cellulite Creams - Can They Help Fight Cellulite?

For many women, the period right before summer instills anxiety, even panic. They envision repeat trips to the mall to do something that can strike fear in the heartiest of women. Yes, I am referring to trying on bathing suits. The problem is that many women suffer from cellulite – that dreaded wrinkling and dimpling of the skin that normally occurs around the thighs, hips or buttocks. The many non-technical terms that exist are less than flattering: orange peel syndrome, mattress phenomenon or cottage cheese skin. Most women don’t really understand the condition; they just know they don’t want it. Exactly what is cellulite?

Technically, cellulite is caused by an increase in the regular fatty cells in your body. These cells are produced by the collagen fibers connecting your skin to deeper tissue layers. As the fatty cells increase, so do the areas containing the fat cells. The outcome is an increase in the fatty deposits under your skin or uneven fatty deposits which results in the unattractive dimpled appearance of skin. Many scientific studies have been conducted to determine the exact cause of cellulite. Surprisingly, the cause is still unknown. However, the medical tests have proven that cellulite consists of the same material as ordinary fat.

Scientific breakthroughs are helping companies like Hydroderm develop anti-cellulite creams. For example, Hydroderm produces a cellulite reducer called Body Shape. Hydroderm says that continued use will improve the texture of the skin. The cream will also tone areas that diet and exercise alone will not improve.

Now for some interesting facts: cellulite is experienced by 85% to 98% of women who have already experienced puberty and is determined to be genetic. Although women in all parts of the world suffer from cellulite, the condition is more prevalent in Caucasians. Very few men suffer from it and contrary to popular belief; it is not caused by being overweight. Unfortunately, thin or underweight women are not immune to this common problem.

On the positive side, cellulite is completely harmless. The only damaging effect the condition may have is on your self-esteem. If you are one of the millions of people suffering from this common problem, at least you can take solace in the fact that you are not alone. Now that you understand a little more about this widespread condition, perhaps you will face next year’s bathing suit search with a little less trepidation.

For the best anti cellulite cream, try visiting , a popular website that offers anti aging tips, advice and resources to include information on anti aging treatments and the best Botox alternative sources.

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Thursday, April 2, 2009

Reduce Cellulite With A Proper Cellulite Diet

Sigh. What does it take to reduce cellulite? Wouldn't it be great if we could completely eliminate it? Unfortunately, for women it's a fact of life as we age. However, it is possible to help the process along by incorporating a healthy cellulite diet.

There are three important factors involved when trying to reduce cellulite. These include exercise, a healthy diet and keeping the body continuously flushed of toxins and waste by drinking a good amount of water everyday. There are many elements that also must be reached in order to reduce cellulite. Mainly, fat cells must shrink in size under the skin, they must be separated enough to allow proper lymphatic drainage, the connective tissues in the skin must be stretched enough to improve the overall tone of skin and its elasticity and finally, hormonal balance must be achieved.

In this article, we focus on the components of a healthy cellulite diet as an important part of the battle to reduce cellulite. It is important not only to focus on diet as part of the general plan, but it is a critical part of the process. Well, what can I eat you say?

First and most importantly it's honest to say that no food plan in the world can eliminate all of the cellulite on your body. You can improve its appearance in several ways including a good diet, by reducing the total amount of body fat you hold and overall, feel better about the way those trouble spots look. Remember our genetics, hormones, general lifestyle and yes, diet can definitely determine how much cellulite we accumulate.

So, how do you complete the dietary steps necessary to reduce cellulite? You must keep the body clean of toxins and this will in turn improve the situation. A good cellulite diet would include healthy lean proteins, such as chicken and fish (good source of essential fatty acids and antioxidants), certain fruits and vegetables known to be high in nutrients (think dark and red fruits - blue-, black-, straw-, cran- and rasp- "berries"), citrus fruits (oranges, apples and grapefruits) and red and green veggies (like spinach, peppers). Try to stay away from foods high in fat including meats, processed foods with sugar, soda and definitely alcohol. It's not difficult, just try to be sensible in making choices.

Now that you know the dietary key to reduce cellulite, you can incorporate it into your program of exercise and cellulite treatments to know that you are doing everything possible to rid the body of toxins, stabilize a reasonable amount of body fat and keep the appearance of cellulite to a minimum. It can be done, it just takes a small commitment on your part.

Learn more information about a healthy cellulite diet and how to reduce cellulite at our informative resource:

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