Get Rid Cellulite


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Obsessed With Cellulite – Stop Being Obsessed With Cellulite, Lose Cellulite With These Tips!

I used to suffer from cellulite. I was sure this was how sand dunes looked from a plane above the desert. Although, I didn't look at these “dunes” the same way an aerial photographer might, with admiration for a natural wonder. Everyday as I looked in the mirror, I saw orange peel skin, oddly shaped dimples. I certainly didn't see the cellulite on my thighs as a natural wonder, but a natural disaster! I had become obsessed with cellulite.

As I began to pay more attention to my cellulite problem, I noticed that my confidence went down to virtually zero. I realized I was obsessed with cellulite as I began to wear long pants instead of shorts or short skirts, even during hot summers. I would make excuses when my family went to the beach, as I didn't want to get into any swim wear. Worse still, I made sure I would change when my husband was not in the same room, as I didn't want him to see how my body had changed for the worse.

This whole situation got me thinking about how I became obsessed with cellulite. I slowly began to realize that I wasn't alone. Millions of women shared my predicament, and are obsessed with cellulite. We change our lives, making excuses not to go out with our friends, for fear we might have to wear something revealing. We change the way we dress, lest someone see that we have cellulite. But how? How did this cellulite problem escalate to such huge proportions?

The models on billboards, television, and in magazines never have cellulite. They always have smooth, glowing skin. These models are never representative of real women and never have to worry about being obsessed with cellulite. Yet this is what we all aspire to be. Anything wrong with that? Absolutely nothing, I thought to myself. Since it was bothering me, I decided that I was going to make changes that would allow me to be happy and comfortable in my own skin.

I began to do some research, and learnt that this cellulite problem was a result of fat that was trapped in just under the connective tissue that anchors the skin to muscle. As more and more fat gets trapped, it begins to exert pressure onto skin, causing the dimpled appearance.

With a little more research, I formulated my own regimen to get rid of cellulite. Don't become obsessed with cellulite like I did! Easy and effective solutions are available.

Here are 6 tips to eliminate cellulite quickly and permanently. In no time you'll be buying and wearing the clothes you want. You won't have to worry about this cellulite problem anymore. You will have a firm butt, and smooth and glowing thighs and legs.

Aromatherapy – Aromatherapy uses the body's sense of smell to heal and relax the body. Essential oils such as thyme, lemon, peppermint, patchouli and oregano can be used in baths or for massages to get rid of your cellulite problem.

Eat foods that are high in Lecithin - Lecithin works to re-hydrate and relieve tightening in your skin, leaving your skin silky smooth.

Take a glucosamine supplement – Glucosamine is a sulphuric compound that reinstates the skin's elasticity and reduces the appearance of cellulite.

Include foods high in antioxidants – Fruits and vegetables are generally high in antioxidants. Antioxidants actually work to breakdown and get rid of cellulite. Berries are a rich source of antioxidants.

Get your 8 glasses a day of water – It may be hard to keep tack of how much water you drink a day but it is extremely important that get a sufficient amount. Water clears the body of toxins that encourage cellulite build up. It also helps to keep the skin supple and strong.

Exercise regularly – Exercise cellulite tips can help you get rid of your cellulite problem. Aerobic exercise will help melt the fat away, reducing the amount of cellulite.

Don't make the same mistake as I did by becoming obsessed with cellulite. Using these tips and best cellulite treatment's will allow you to get rid of cellulite. You deserve to be comfortable in your skin and wear whatever you want!

Nikki Montgomery is a fitness and beauty expert with about 7 years experience in cellulite treatments. Her website offers simple and yet effective best cellulite treatment options. Nikki’s Free E-Course “Get Rid Of Cellulite FAST” is jam packed with tips and home remedies to get rid of cellulite quickly. Subscribe for free at

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