Get Rid Cellulite


Friday, February 13, 2009

Cellulite – Simple Solutions That Work To Beat Cellulite

Cellulite is a condition that most women worry about, with about 90% of women suffering from it.

Don’t despair though it’s not difficult to combat and you don’t need to spend a fortune either.

Here are natural ways to beat cellulite that work.

Firstly cellulite is linked to both physical and emotional health and is not a cosmetic condition so it won’t ever go away - However you can cure it, if you make some simple lifestyle changes.

You need to nourish your skin and stop fat cells from becoming to prominent and for this you will need to do the following:

1. Diet Changes

To keep the skin cells healthy you need to be hydrated.

Make sure you drink plenty of fresh water and combine this with foods that contain lecithin, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin B, to help nourish your skin cells and keep them in peak condition.

Good foods are:

Oily fish, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Try and eat as “naturally from the earth” as possible and avoid heavily processed foods and sugars that break the skin cells down.

2. Supplements

Take all of the following, which are all known to nourish and fortify the skin:

Omega 3 capsules, evening primrose oil, soy lecithin, Vitamin B Supplement and a general mineral and multi vitamin.

3. Exercise

Lack of it, will see your fat cells swell and cause cellulite.

Do some gentle exercise such as:

Swimming, yoga tai chi, Pilates – if you can’t face going to the gym.

Even brisk walking, doing the housework as a workout or walking up stairs will help simply do as much as you can.

Exercise burns fat, gets rid of toxins and some exercise is needed to get to grips with cellulite and any will help even if its gentle exercise.

4. Creams and massage

While only treating the top layer it’s the first line of cellulite, so use creams containing antioxidants.

Massage them in daily to problem areas and have a regular massage weekly to get the circulation going.

5. Pamper and relax

One of the major causes of cellulite is stress.

Tension and stress play havoc with your bodily functions and this will prevent the skins normal powers of self healing.

Try and of course reduce your overall stress levels with changes to your routine generally

6. Brush cellulite away

Get a natural bristle brush and stroke it use it on the front of your body doing long strokes towards the heart.


Because it stimulates the lymphatic system, which removes fluids and toxins from the body.

Simply, do once a day for just 5 minutes.

What will be the results?

In around six weeks you should se results and they will continue.

A lot will depend on your genes and how much of the above you can achieve, however if you do some or all of the above, you should see a dramatic difference to your skin tone and see those lumps and bumps reduce.

Fight cellulite with the above and you will see results that will make the effort well worth while.


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