Get Rid Cellulite


Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Cellulite Remover and Exercises To Reduce Cellulite

Almost 90-95% of women experience some form of cellulite in their lifetime. Cellulite is defined as fluids, fat and toxic waste entrenched in the connective tissues that lie below the skin. There are many creations delivering the promise of being a cellulite remover for this stubborn problem, however, it is very important to make sure you also do exercises to reduce cellulite as well to make your program effective and comprehensive.

Exercise is the main activity in life for feeling young and staying healthy. It is a natural cellulite remover. It improves circulation, metabolizes stored fats and allows the body to detoxify itself . Although deep down, we know it is beneficial to our lives, by improving our looks and self esteem, many people resist incorporating it into their lives out of disinterest or lack of commitment. When determining what exercises to reduce cellulite are ideal, we must also consider other anti-cellulite regimens that possibly can include:

  • Supplements
  • A Nutritious Diet
  • A Good Anti-Cellulite Product
  • Massage Techniques
  • Flushing Toxins via Water

It is important to understand, however, that no exercise in particular can miraculously reduce cellulite on the body if it is not incorporated as part of a comprehensive anti-cellulite program.

Several exercises to reduce cellulite that can be included in your workout routine along with the above-mentioned regimens will help to reduce the overall appearance of cellulite in the butt, hips and stomach areas of the body. These two types of exercise include weight training (or anaerobic) and cardiovascular (aerobic) type activities.

These types of exercises to reduce cellulite assist the body in improving the difficult, stubborn body parts on women. The cardiovascular type workout helps with improving circulation and promoting detoxification of the body. It also burns off excess fat. Weight training will allow you to build up the underlying muscles of the body, allowing the skin to appear smoother toward the surface. When you produce muscle you will also burn fat in targeted areas, so you don't necessarily have to be fat to focus on areas that are in greater need of attention. When completing these types of programs they can be done together in one routine or on separate days, with the weight training ideally always being first.

To use exercises as a cellulite remover, women should focus on the areas where there is an accumulation of fatty tissue. Some exercises to reduce cellulite in those areas of the hips, thighs and stomach include:

  • Leg Curls
  • Lunges
  • Abductor (outer thigh)
  • Adductor (inner thigh)
  • Stiff-legged Deadlifts

Warm up for at least five to ten minutes before performing these types of exercises approximately three to five times in repetitions of 15-25, with little or no break in between. This will allow the body to metabolize fat, keep the metabolism revved up and detoxify the body. The bottom line as well with the cardiovascular is to keep the metabolism burning consistently.

Always be sure to consult with your physician or trainer at the gym before trying out any exercises to reduce cellulite. It is critical to be doing the routines safely with guidance from an expert who knows your overall fitness and health conditions.

So, at the end of the day, the best cellulite remover program you choose will be one that couples exercises to reduce cellulite in conjunction with a healthy diet, at least a gallon of water to flush the body every day, a good anti-cellulite product, healthy massage ... but overall, a commitment from you to follow the program to see the results happen.

Discover more information about exercises to reduce cellulite and other free tips at our informative resource:

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Best Cellulite Exercises for Easy Cellulite Reduction

It's no secret. Cellulite reduction is a common wish amongst women of all ages, regardless of body weight or body fat. Women spend billions of dollars on cellulite treatments and cellulite creams every year, usually with little or no lasting results. There are tons of articles out there giving you 'the answers'. (And I don't mean the ‘advertorials' that are trying to sell you anti cellulite cream, lotion or pills.) The truth is, your best weapons in your battle against unwelcome cellulite and the burning question ‘how to get rid of cellulite'?, are a smart nutritional routine and a consistent, properly structured home workout program consisting of targeted anti-cellulite exercises.

Anti cellulite nutrition focuses on minimally processed, high nutrient content foods. Salads, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins such as fish, turkey, beans and eggs are at the top of the list for foods that promote cellulite reduction.

As for the properly structured cellulite exercise workout program, I've put together a butt, hip and thigh routine which you can incorporate into your current workouts if you have one. This routine specifically targets the areas where cellulite tends to ‘hang out'.

Bear in mind, I've been training people since the late eighties. Speaking strictly from experience, I can tell you that the following routine is responsible for helping many women dramatically change the appearance of their cellulite areas.

- Lying on your side, do 10 reps of each anti cellulite exercise:

1) Bring both knees forward so your hips are at a 90 degree angle. Then straighten your top leg out in front of you, still keeping 90 degrees at the hip. Lift the top leg slowly about three feet off the ground & down.

2) Straighten both legs so your body is in a straight line. Tilt the hips forward slightly. Lift the top leg about three feet off the ground & down.

3) Repeat on the other side.

- On the elbows and knees, do 10 reps of each anti cellulite exercise:

1) Extend one leg straight back with your toe on the ground. Lift that leg up toward the ceiling & down. Then switch legs.

2) Lift your knee off the floor. Extend that same heel back and up so your leg is pointing toward the ceiling & then bring the knee back into you. Then switch legs.

- Standing up, do 10 reps of each anti cellulite exercise:

1) Start with your feet together. Step out in front in to a lunge position. Touch the ground with opposite hand. Come back up & step back to the starting position. Then switch legs.

2) Put one foot up on a step (12 - 18 inches high). Slowly step up and down with the other foot. Then switch legs.

If this routine is easy try going through it twice. If you still need more of a challenge, increase the reps to 15 or 20 per set. Do this anti cellulite exercise program two to three times per week and you'll soon realize that you have found a true cellulite treatment that will also save you a lot of money that you would be spending on cellulite treatments, creams and lotions that never work. Remember, 'it's all in the exercises'.

Joey Atlas - M.S., Exercise Physiology, is the creator of The Cellulite Reduction Butt, Hip And Thigh Makeover DVD Fitness Program. For free anti cellulite exercise instructions visit Best Anti Cellulite Exercises

Sign up for your free subscription to Joey's Fitness E-newlsetter - 'Secrets of a Trainer' at

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Friday, February 13, 2009

Cellulite – Simple Solutions That Work To Beat Cellulite

Cellulite is a condition that most women worry about, with about 90% of women suffering from it.

Don’t despair though it’s not difficult to combat and you don’t need to spend a fortune either.

Here are natural ways to beat cellulite that work.

Firstly cellulite is linked to both physical and emotional health and is not a cosmetic condition so it won’t ever go away - However you can cure it, if you make some simple lifestyle changes.

You need to nourish your skin and stop fat cells from becoming to prominent and for this you will need to do the following:

1. Diet Changes

To keep the skin cells healthy you need to be hydrated.

Make sure you drink plenty of fresh water and combine this with foods that contain lecithin, essential fatty acids, antioxidants and vitamin B, to help nourish your skin cells and keep them in peak condition.

Good foods are:

Oily fish, fresh fruit and vegetables.

Try and eat as “naturally from the earth” as possible and avoid heavily processed foods and sugars that break the skin cells down.

2. Supplements

Take all of the following, which are all known to nourish and fortify the skin:

Omega 3 capsules, evening primrose oil, soy lecithin, Vitamin B Supplement and a general mineral and multi vitamin.

3. Exercise

Lack of it, will see your fat cells swell and cause cellulite.

Do some gentle exercise such as:

Swimming, yoga tai chi, Pilates – if you can’t face going to the gym.

Even brisk walking, doing the housework as a workout or walking up stairs will help simply do as much as you can.

Exercise burns fat, gets rid of toxins and some exercise is needed to get to grips with cellulite and any will help even if its gentle exercise.

4. Creams and massage

While only treating the top layer it’s the first line of cellulite, so use creams containing antioxidants.

Massage them in daily to problem areas and have a regular massage weekly to get the circulation going.

5. Pamper and relax

One of the major causes of cellulite is stress.

Tension and stress play havoc with your bodily functions and this will prevent the skins normal powers of self healing.

Try and of course reduce your overall stress levels with changes to your routine generally

6. Brush cellulite away

Get a natural bristle brush and stroke it use it on the front of your body doing long strokes towards the heart.


Because it stimulates the lymphatic system, which removes fluids and toxins from the body.

Simply, do once a day for just 5 minutes.

What will be the results?

In around six weeks you should se results and they will continue.

A lot will depend on your genes and how much of the above you can achieve, however if you do some or all of the above, you should see a dramatic difference to your skin tone and see those lumps and bumps reduce.

Fight cellulite with the above and you will see results that will make the effort well worth while.


On all aspects of health and more on beauty visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Exercises For Cellulite - Steps to be Rid of Cellulite Forever

A lot of people have cellulite, what a lot of people don't have is the Best Exercise To Get Rid Of Cellulite. The problem here is that most people are always looking for that fountain of youth. They will try sprays, creams, lotions, potions, you name they will try it; well, accept for exercise. I hate to break it to those people but no amount of miracles other than good old fashion exercise will work. The idea behind ridding your body of cellulite is to lose weight and build your muscle tone.

The cause of cellulite is the development of fat that causes tiny dimples in the skin. You will want to have a regular cardiovascular exercise routine in order to help you burn excessive calories that cause fat and improve the circulation in your blood as well as in your lymphatic circulation. Here you will find 3 basic cardiovascular exercises that you can do to help burn the fat and take off the cellulite.

1. Walking: A long walk will give a fantastic workout. Walking works your feet, legs, back, abdomen, arms, shoulders, and even your neck muscles in a rhythmic motion. 2. Jogging: Jogging, will improve your cardiovascular system, improve your blood circulation, tone muscles, and will help get rid of cellulite. 3. Swimming: This is a great exercise because it works the entire body rhythmically, and unlike other exercises does not put strain on your body.

The buttocks and thighs will show direct results from a cardiovascular cellulite exercise. Leg curls and squats with weights will be fantastic for these areas. 10-15 repetitions should suffice with a short intermission then once again 10-15 repetitions are recommended. These exercises should be done on a daily basis and in the same amount of repetitions as well as the same amount of time taken in your intermission. Intermission time suggested would be 1-3 minutes. Other important things to help you reduce cellulite and lose weight are to keep a healthy life style and a balanced diet. Stay away from food with high calories, smoking, drinking of alcohol. Instead be sure to eat fruits and green vegetables. Here are a few basic steps to help you lose the cellulite and keep it off.

1. Be sure to watch your diet. 2. Fresh and natural foods should be incorporated into your diet. 3. Avoid foods that are high on fat. 4. Drink plenty of water. 5. Limit your consumption of caffeine and alcohol. 6. No smoking 7. Plenty of exercise.

Following a plan of good health, nutrition and exercise will cause your body to rid itself of excess toxins to promote a state of health that will let you follow any program on getting rid of cellulite. You now have the tool, the tool of knowledge equipped to your work belt. So before you go and spend countless amounts of money on surgeries and treatments. Remember, you now have the knowledge and the mindset to this yourself.

For a wide variety of the best weight loss programs, exercise programs, and some of the best FREE fitness information on the web visit

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Monday, February 2, 2009

The At Home Cellulite Treatment To Get Rid Of Cellulite

Can an at home cellulite treatment be used to help the body get rid of cellulite? Well, first it's important to understand what cellulite is and its causes to help you take reasonable steps to reduce cellulite in the comfort of your home.

Cellulite occurs in almost 90% of women in society in some way or another. It cannot be avoided. Women have a very different tissue and collagen fiber structure than men, this is why we are prone to the development of this condition as we age. It is also interesting to note that not all women are genetically pre-determined to develop cellulite. However, factors such as pregnancy, weight gain, hormone levels and natural aging can contribute to an individual who's been genetically coded to receive this condition. Bottom line, thin or obese, some of us will get it while others won't.

The good news is, for those of us who are on the track to eventual defeat can rid the body of the dimpling and bulging with an at home cellulite treatment. There are several things that can be done to reduce cellulite. These include detoxifying one's body, eating a healthy diet, exercising to assist with weight management and increasing circulation to the areas that tend to harbor the condition.

To keep the body clean, you need to give extra care to your liver and colon. Keep fat, salt, caffeine and cigarette smoking to a minimum. It is very important to consume a good amount of water in your diet each day, approximately a gallon. This cannot be stressed enough and sometimes compared to exercising, it's probably the one of the most frustrating things to do as part of your daily routine. A thing that has helped me to get my daily water consumption down is Crystal Light or any other non-sugar type sweetener. It really does make it easier to get that daily flush of hydration and cleansing.

Secondly, a healthy diet is critical to maintaining the body in a condition where it will be not prone to cellulite. The best diets contain lean meats such as poultry, fish and eggs, good fats (fish, nuts, olives) and healthy carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits and low sugar starches such as brown rice. Stay away from consuming animal fats, processed foods (high salt and sugar) and highly glycemic carbohydrates such as potatoes, pasta and white rice. Always make a healthy decision when selecting your meals and the end result will reflect on your trouble spots by keeping weight gain and fat production to a minimum. Remember, you are what you eat.

Next is exercise which includes weight training and cardiovascular activities. It is important to exercise the body as a whole to get rid of cellulite since all facets of the routine contribute to it's minimizing. However, you can complete specific types of exercises to help with the trouble spots. The most positive type of program to incorporate would be one which tones the underlying muscles of the legs/thighs, hips, butt and stomach. There are movements which can be included in your normal routine to place extra focus on these areas to improve them. As for cardiovascular, some great choices are running, speed walking, riding a bicycle and climbing stairs. All of these heart elevators focus on the legs and thighs, which burn fat and increase muscle in the areas where it's really needed.

Finally, there is the at home cellulite treatment. It is also relatively important to make sure that there is plenty of circulation and breaking down of fatty areas to reduce troubled spots. Some of the choices to get rid of cellulite include the body brush (used with an anti cellulite body scrub or wash), herbs, spa treatments, wearing cellulite pantyhose which help provide circulation, body wraps and finally anti cellulite lotions, creams and gels. Make sure whether you are cleansing the skin or treating it, to massage the trouble stops well as you use the products.

At the end of the day, it is true, you can have an at home cellulite treatment to get rid of cellulite. But, it is a small part of a more comprehensive commitment to care for your body on all levels, inside and out. It's can be disappointing to our egos to learn that cellulite may not ever go away completely, but it's nice to know we can contribute to making ourselves look and feel better.

Learn more information about how to get rid of cellulite and an at home cellulite treatment list at our informative resource:

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