Get Rid Cellulite


Friday, May 30, 2008

Best Cellulite Treatment - The Best Cellulite Treatment To Get Rid Of Your Cellulite Fast

Cellulite can affect anyone. Most women are constantly looking for the best cellulite treatment so that they can get rid of cellulite and have firm, smooth and glowing thighs and skin. Even the slimmest models are prone to cellulite problems. This article discusses 5 best cellulite treatment tips that anyone can use to get rid of cellulite quickly and easily.

Consumers in the U.S. reportedly spent about $100 million last year on cellulite removal products. In addition, they also spent millions on gym memberships to rid themselves of this cellulite problem.

Diet – Optimal health can never be reached without a proper diet. It is important to reduce the amount of fatty foods you eat, and include more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Eating more fruits and vegetables means that you eat less fat laden food, and also increase your body's ability to combat cellulite. Using supplementary vitamins A, C and E can also help you to maintain strong and supple skin.

Water – Drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. Water keeps your body hydrated, and also stops your body and system from being clogged up with impurities. Drinking water can also help you to combat your appetite, which means you will eat less, and therefore store less fat in your body. Women’s bodies store excess fat in their butt, hips, thighs and legs – which appear as cellulite.

Endermologie – this technique is similar to a massage, but with no hands involved. A machine is used, which performs rolling and suction motions. This result in the rupturing of these fat cells, releasing the fat for the body to eliminated naturally. To be effective, 15-20 sessions of endermologie treatment for cellulite are needed.

Oil massage – Oil massages on the areas of your body that are affected be cellulite can allow the compression of excess fat under the skin and encourage more circulation, allowing more effective delivery of nutrients to tissues.

Cellulite creams – Today there are many anti cellulite creams that you can use to get rid of your cellulite. All you have to do is to find the best cellulite cream to use on a regular basis.

Getting rid of cellulite is not easy, but armed with these 5 excellent tips, you'll be sure to lose excess cellulite in not time at all. Choose one of these best cellulite treatment tips and follow it consistently and you will get rid of your cellulite.

Nikki Montgomery is a fitness and beauty expert with about 7 years experience in cellulite treatments. Her cellulite treatment website offers simple and yet effective ways to eliminate cellulite, and has the best anti cellulite products.


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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Natural Cellulite Remedy - 4 Sure-Fire Ways To Eliminate Cellulite With A Natural Cellulite Remedy

Most people are realizing that chemicals are not the best cures for cellulite. Millions of women are looking for a natural cellulite remedy so that they can have firm, smooth and glowing skin. The best thing about natural cellulite remedy techniques is that they can be used at home. A home cellulite remedy is usually safe and convenient; no doctors appointments are necessary, no need to spend a lot of money on anti cellulite creams or surgeries, or having to drag yourself to the gym.

There is nothing “new age” about turning to a natural cellulite remedy. Even many drugs that we see on store shelves today contain those same extracts from plants that herbalists have always used. Home cellulite treatment techniques are a safe and affordable option that bring long lasting results.

1) Herbs

A natural cellulite remedy can be herbal. Herbs are a home cellulite treatment that you can easily incorporate into your cooking. When used in cooking, the following herbs have been found to have antioxidants that can reduce cellulite:

- Cayenne pepper

- Juniper berries

- Co-enzyme 10

- Black pepper extract

- Peppermint tea

- Grape seed

- Garlic

- Ginger

2) Aromatherapy

We generally take our sense of smell for granted, not realizing how it can be used to heal our bodies. Aromatherapy is a complementary or alternative medicine method that uses our powerful sense of smell, essential oils and other aromatic compounds. Aromatherapy oils can be used to massage areas of your body affected by cellulite, and blends can be used in baths to increase circulation in your skin and help with eliminating cellulite. Different “blends” of essential oils can be used as a natural cellulite remedy. Here are some blends you can use:

Bath Blends

- Blend 1
oregano 6 drops
lemon 6 drops

- Blend 2
sage 8 drops
patchouli 4 drops

Massage Blends

- Blend 1
fennel 8 drops
lemon 10 drops

- Blend 2
basil 10 drops
thyme 8 drops

3) Body Brushing

Body brushing is the simplest and easiest natural cellulite remedy. It's a home cellulite treatment that you can do every morning. Body brushing stimulates circulation, and allows faster delivery of nutrients to the skin. Brushing your skin in this way will leave your work colleagues and friends green with envy, when you eventually get that smooth, glowing skin. All you have to do is to vigorously brush the parts of your body that are affected by cellulite.

4) Diet and Exercise

Eating fatty and sugary foods can cause you to have cellulite. If you want to get rid of cellulite, you must cut out these unhealthy foods. A balanced diet is a surefire home cellulite treatment. Your diet not only determines how much cellulite you have, it also determines your body's ability to fight and breakdown cellulite.

Exercise is an effective natural cellulite remedy. It will not only help you to get rid of cellulite, but also improve your over all health and fitness.

These 4 natural cellulite remedy techniques can help you use lose easily and quickly. There is no miracle cellulite cure, but there is a home cellulite treatment to suit everyone.

Nikki Montgomery is a fitness and beauty expert with about 7 years experience in cellulite treatments. Her best cellulite treatments website offers simple and yet effective ways to eliminate cellulite, and has the best hand-picked anti cellulite products.

Subscribe for free at


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Sunday, May 25, 2008

Cause of Cellulite - You Need To Know The Cause Of Cellulite If You Want To Banish Your Cellulite!

Many women are searching for information about the cause of cellulite. Cellulite can develop on any woman’s body, and can be very difficult to eliminate. This is why women need to understand the cause of cellulite if they want to successfully get rid of cellulite.

Let us start by defining cellulite. Cellulite refers to fatty tissues that are underneath the surface of a woman’s skin. Many women’s bodies store excess fat in the lower part of the body, namely the butt, hips, thighs and legs. Many women who suffer from cellulite have these parts of their body as their problem areas with cellulite.

The effect of cellulite is that it makes the skin look like it has some small dimples and can resemble the surface of an orange peel. Cellulite looks unpleasant and unattractive. Women with cellulite therefore always try to wear clothes that cover up their bodies and cellulite. Wearing short skirts, shorts or bikinis is certainly not an option for women with a lot of cellulite.

So, what exactly cause cellulite?

Cellulite appears to be any women’s issue. You do not necessarily need to be overweight to have cellulite. However, overweight women tend to have more cellulite. The more excess fat that your body is storing, the more cellulite will show in your lower body. To banish cellulite, you therefore need to lose weight.

A clogged up system and lymphatic system is yet another cause of cellulite. Lack of blood flow allows cellulite to accumulate. As we age, our bodies’ abilities to drain toxins and fluids weakens, resulting in toxins being stored underneath the skin, which promote cellulite.

Sedentary life can cause cellulite to develop. Exercising on a regular basis and getting a vigorous massage on those parts of your body affected by cellulite can help to remove the cellulite.

Your diet and bad habits such as smoking can also cause cellulite. Eating more fruits and vegetables and eliminating fatty and refined foods helps you to lose weight and also allow better blood circulation. Make sure that you drink at least 8 glasses of water everyday. Do not drink too much coffee or drinks that are full of sugars.

The cause of cellulite is varied. The good news is that there are many anti cellulite creams that you can use, in additions to tips outlined above, to get rid of your cellulite. Now that you know the cause of cellulite, avoid these causes and use some best cellulite treatments and you will soon be free of cellulite and be able to wear what you want.

Nikki Montgomery is a fitness and beauty expert with about 7 years experience in cellulite treatments. Her best cellulite treatment options website offers simple and yet effective ways to eliminate cellulite, and has the best hand-picked anti cellulite products.

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Cellulite Machine – Can A Cellulite Machine Eliminate Your Cellulite Forever?

Many women are affected by cellulite. Cellulite makes the stomach, butt, thighs and legs appear lumpy with a cottage like surface. Cellulite machine techniques for getting rid of cellulite are one of the popular cellulite reduction treatment options available. Cellulite Machine techniques are considered to be easy and effective – but you must read this article before you use any cellulite machine.

There are many anti cellulite treatments on the market today, and many women ask what the “best cellulite treatment” is. They also wonder whether cellulite machines are effective or not. One of the cellulite machines that is used is called a rotary cylinder that massages the tissue underneath your skin with the cellulite. This process applies pressure to the cellulite and breaks it so that your body can flush it. You will need to drink a lot of water to make sure that these cellulite particles are eliminated from your body.

Laser surgery is one of the cellulite machine techniques that are being used to get rid of cellulite. Laser surgery firstly breaks up fat molecules and collagen. Smaller lasers then generate new collagen making surface skin appear smooth. It improves circulation in the area and speeds the removal of built up toxins, usually in conjunction with special massaging techniques. This type of cellulite laser treatment typically requires 10 to 15 treatments which can be spaced out anywhere from 3 times a week to once a week.

More recent cellulite machines offer a manipulation of the skin and subcutaneous tissues that are affected by cellulite. These cellulite machines also bring several benefits to your health, body and skin. They can also remove tension in your muscles.

Endermologie treatment for cellulite is one of the cellulite machine techniques that is used today. Endermologie treatment for cellulite is essentially a massage machine that massages your deep tissue which breaks down the cellulite and fat underneath it. Your body’s lymphatic system will then flush these out of your body.

Cellulite machine techniques to get rid of cellulite are effective because they target parts of your body that is affected by cellulite. Endermologie treatment for cellulite is one of the most effective cellulite machine techniques. However, you will still need to exercise on a regular basis, eat healthy foods and drink a lot of water if you want to completely get rid of cellulite.

Nikki Montgomery is a fitness and beauty expert with about 7 years experience in cellulite treatments. Her best cellulite treatments website offers simple and yet effective ways to eliminate cellulite, and has the best hand-picked anti cellulite products.

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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Exercise Cellulite – Proven And Sure-Fire Exercise Cellulite Tips To Banish Your Cellulite Forever!

There is no single best exercise to get rid of cellulite. Exercise cellulite techniques can take many forms. Exercise cellulite tips in this article can help you to reduce the amount of fat you have stored in your body and will also improve your circulation, which will help you to banish cellulite from your stomach, butt, thighs and legs.

When you exercise to rid cellulite, you need to do exercises that reduce fat from targeted parts of your body such as your butt and thighs, and also tone them so that cellulite is banished to reveal a smooth and glowing skin. Muscle conditioning exercises will tone the parts of your body that are plagued by cellulite, making the skin appear firmer and the cellulite less visible.

Resistance exercise is very effective for increasing your metabolism so that you are burning more calories throughout the day. For this reason alone resistance training is a great exercise to reduce cellulite, albeit more in an indirect way than many people are lead to believe.

The cornerstone of any exercise to reduce cellulite should be aerobic exercise. Poor circulation is one of the causes of cellulite and aerobic training is the best remedy for this.

Moderate exercises are also powerful, and these can be as simple as a brisk walk for at least 30 minutes. This type of exercise to reduce cellulite should be performed most days of the week.

Once you have achieved a good base level of aerobic fitness, you may wish to try adding some interval sessions to your routine. Interval training involves alternating brief periods of very high exertion with longer periods of low to moderate exertion. You can do this at a gym or even in the comfort of your own. As this form of training is very taxing on the body you should only do it once or twice a week.

In the gym, the best exercise to get rid of cellulite is circuit training. This combines both resistance and cardiovascular exercise in the same session. This involves a number of exercises performed in sequence with no rest in between. Training in this manner enables you to firm and tone the areas of your body affected by cellulite; whilst still keeping the heart rate high, thus adhering to all your key objectives when engaging in exercise to reduce cellulite.

For maximum and long lasting results, follow these exercise cellulite tips on a regular basis. Exercise to rid of cellulite can be done at home or in a gym. The main objective is that you have fun while working out your butt and thighs for an attractive body!

Nikki Montgomery is a fitness and beauty expert with about 7 years experience in cellulite treatments. Her cellulite treatment website offers simple and yet effective ways to eliminate cellulite, and has the best anti cellulite products. Nikki’s Free E-Course “Get Rid Of Cellulite FAST” is jam packed with tips and home remedies to get rid of cellulite quickly. Subscribe for free at

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